Become A Content Curator - Turn Your Passion Into A Valuable Audience

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Learn The Fastest Way To Start Writing Online.

This e-book will show you how to become a CONTENT CURATOR by taking the content you already consume and transforming it into original content.

You'll learn a proven method to scale your ideas online, and start building an audience of like-minded peers.

Create an asset that compounds over time.

I'll show you how I grew my site to hundreds of thousands of pageviews per year, so you can start doing it with your writing.

Build an audience that likes the same things you do.

Publishing your ideas online is the easiest way to find other people who like the same things you do. That’s the secret of the internet - there are thousands and thousands of people just like you. You just have to find them.

This E-Book Is Built Specifically For Those Who Want To:

  • Write online but don't know where to start.
  • Create connections and grow an audience of peers.
  • Build a digital asset that gets more valuable over time.
  • Tap into a consistent flow of ideas to serve you forever.
  • Produce quality content and publish consistently online.
  • Transform your content consumption into content creation.
  • Jumpstart your online writing journey - no experience needed!

In My E-Book, You'll Learn Step-By-Step How To:

Find Your Niche.

You’ll discover why writing online is the asymmetric bet of a lifetime, and how the upside is far greater than the downside. Then, you'll work to find your niche - the specific intersection of your passion and consumption that you'll explore in your writing.

Set Up Your Platform.

Next, you'll build your landing page - what will become the HUB of your writing habit. You'll learn how to filter your audience with the first words they see. Then, you'll adopt a simple note-taking system to never run out of ideas.

Craft Your First Article.

Next, you'll structure your first article for maximum impact. You'll apply easy-to-follow SEO (search engine optimization) techniques to help get your articles read. And you'll learn exactly how to transform your reader from the beginning of the article to the end.

Scale Your Efforts.

Finally, once your article is ready to be published, you'll harness free leverage like media and code to compound your efforts. You'll learn how to collect emails 24/7 365 to grow your readership while you sleep, and the power of an e-newsletter to own your audience.

Subscriber growth for my Wealest e-newsletter.

The Future Belongs To The Creators.

The world is changing. With the internet, you no longer need permission to create and distribute content. The gatekeepers are dead, and the future belongs to online creators.

Online portfolios will be more important than resumes.

What you've built will matter more than where you've worked.

And those with an audience will gain their freedom.

And it's not too late to join! While the hour is late, there is still time to start writing online.

But where do you start?

It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the idea of creating original content yourself.

You may fear you have nothing "original" to say, or that everything you want to say has already been said. You're wrong.

And while it's true that coming up with totally original, "never before heard" ideas is really hard... you don't have to start there!

The Secret To Writing Consistently Is Starting With What You Already Consume.

It's far easier to start with the content you're already excited about. Let's turn that into original content so you can start scaling your ideas and building an audience.

Content curation is first about collecting ideas in your domain. Then, you shoot them through your unique perspective to produce consistent, quality content to help build an audience.

It's the simplest way to start writing online.

And I'll show you how.

What You'll Create If You Follow The Path:

  • A defined niche you love.
  • A writing habit you won't quit.
  • SEO-optimized articles in your niche.
  • An easy technique to filter your readers quickly.
  • An internet asset that gets more valuable over time.
  • A method to produce a consistent flow of ideas forever.

Writing Cohorts Usually Cost Thousands.

I wrote this e-book because I wanted it to be accessible. I want everyone, from every walk of life, all around the world, to be able to start writing online.

That's why this isn't a writing cohort where I charge thousands. It's not a video course that'll cost you $100. It's not even going to cost you $50.

I have to be charging at least $10, right? Nope.

It's free.

Because I want you to learn everything I know about curating content and building an audience online.

Grab your copy now. Your future audience awaits.

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"Become A Content Curator" E-Book (Epub)

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Become A Content Curator - Turn Your Passion Into A Valuable Audience

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